Isabel R. Pinto
— Leading researcher
Associate Professor with Aggregation, with PhD in Social Psychology. Coordinator of the Area of Specialization Psychology of Organizations, Social and Work, of the Master's Course in Psychology, of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto. Coordinator of the research group Culture, Normativity and Diversity, of the Center of Psychology of the University of Porto. Director of the Laboratory of Social Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Porto. Member of the Board of the Portuguese Association of Psychology. Research interests: study of psychosocial processes associated with reaction to deviant behavior (including hate crime and economic crime), extremism (focusing on social conflict) and populism. Involvement (as a principal researcher, team member or advisory board member) in research projects about hate speech, perception and impact of corruption (as a team member), discrimination and inclusion of refugees in Europe, extremism and populism, misinformation and misuse of social networks, and behaviors associated with conspiracy theories and negationism.
Other funded projects (in progress):
EducHate: An educational approach to detect, combat and prevent online hate speech” (ref: 759154579): Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), started in May 2021.
“ClimActiC: CidadaniaPeloClima: Criando Pontes entre Cidadania e Ciência para a Adaptação Climática” (ref: NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000071), started in July 2021.
“NEW ABC: Networking the Educational World: Across Boundaries for Community-building” (ref: 101004640): EUROPEAN COMMISSION, started in January 2021.
“Corrupção e crise económica, uma combinação perigosa: compreender as interacções processo-resultado na explicação do apoio à democracia” (ref: C492603946-00087624): Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), started in 2018.

Catarina L. Carvalho
PhD in Psychology, specialization in Social Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Porto (FPCEUP). Member of the Laboratory of Social Psychology, FPCEUP. Since 2021, she has been a postdoctoral researcher at FPCEUP, as part of the VigilHate project: "VIGILANT CITIZENS AGAINST HATE": How to counter bystander apathy and increase citizens' commitment against online hate speech?. Her main research interests focus on civic and political participation, civic empowerment, social movements, collective action and the psychological mechanisms associated with support for social hierarchies and inequality. She is also currently working on adhering to nationalism and populism, discrimination against immigrants and other minority groups, and on hate crime.

Cátia de Carvalho
PhD in Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto, where she is dedicated to studying the psychosocial processes associated with prevention and combating radicalization. In this context was visiting scholar at the University of Cambridge. She has been involved in research projects on (against) radicalisation, is the author of publications in this area and is an expert at the Radicalisation Awareness Network of the European Commission.

Sara G. Alves
Master in Psychology and PhD student in Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto. She has professional experience in conducting opinion studies, quantitative and qualitative, in the areas of customer satisfaction, political studies, notoriety of advertising campaigns, among others. Her research interests are in the field of Social Psychology, namely Social Psychology of Groups, and Political Psychology, focusing on the study of attitudes towards immigrants, perception of threat, nationalism and populism. At the methodological level, her experience is mainly related to the implementation of quantitative studies (experimental and correlational), still having some experience in qualitative studies which she would like to increase in the future.

Márcia Bernardo
Master's degree in Psychology of Organizations, Social and Work, and PhD student in Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto. She did the curricular internship at DOMP, S.A., an opinion studies company, and the professional internship at SC Fitness, a company that develops its activity in the fitness segment. She was also part of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) project at DOMP, in which she performed as an interviewer and supervisor. Her research interests are in the field of Social Psychology, namely in the psychosocial processes inherent to intergroup relations and conflicts and in the adhering to populism. Currently, conducting research in the context of the support to populism, on processes of social inclusion and exclusion and intergroup relations.